Carrotcast - Amplify Your Life, Income, And Real Estate Game With Trevor Mauch

EP 56: [Case Study] From Junior High School Teacher to $80k/Month Investor in a Competitive Market. How Brian Rockwell Uses Patience and Planning for His Success



I always get excited when I get to do these types of CarrotCasts when I bring on a client of ours who has a great, great story. And the client that I'm bringing on today is Brian Rockwell. This CarrotCast is pretty compelling and hopefully, it's going to speak to everyone about patience and swift and focused execution when you decide to make things happen. He didn't use the excuses of, "There's way too much competition." He didn't use the excuses of, "I already see Carrot sites everywhere." He didn't use any excuses of "I've never done a deal." He went out there, executed according to what we laid out, our plan for him. He executed it. He carved out time to study. He carved out time to implement, he carved out a budget, and he did $80,000 in wholesale fees in March. He did another $50 to $60,000 in April, and he's already on track to do amazingly well again at the time we recorded this in June.  You're also going to be able to learn how he's executed like mad as a newer investo