Carrotcast - Amplify Your Life, Income, And Real Estate Game With Trevor Mauch

EP 62: What I Learned From My Grandpa About Legacy - My Candid Thoughts After His Passing



Have you ever thought about your legacy? For this CarrotCast, I’m going to use my Grandpa as an example of a pinnacle of success. He recently passed away and it was clearly evident that he was a person that left a legacy. There were people that traveled hours or who had not seen him in 60 years, gather to pay their respects to a person who had a positive influence on their lives. We often times put too much stock in our bank accounts and facebook accounts...on stats and ego. Instead, we need to start shifting that focus on positive influence and concentrate more on our legacy. Enjoy this episode of the CarrotCast and challenge yourself to do five positive things today. Go out and live a legacy. Invest in people, have fun, be kind, and enjoy life! ***Join us live, Thursdays at 11 AM Pacific for the Evergreen Marketing Live Q&A:***Need to grow as a leader? Check out Trevor’s podcast:***Learn more at - Carro