Carrotcast - Amplify Your Life, Income, And Real Estate Game With Trevor Mauch

EP 75: Breaking Your Lazy Pattern... How I Use Intentional Chaos to Focus and Achieve at a High Level w/ Trevor Mauch



Break the machine to regain. What does that mean? We’re all guilty of getting caught in the day-to-day tasks. Becoming complacent and stagnant. How do you get out of that routine? How do you regain focus? By pulling away and causing chaos. Pull away and cause chaos so you can work on that one thing that you know is going to make the biggest difference in that moment. If you purposely create chaos, you can gain the biggest leverage in your life. Increase what you think you’re capable of doing. Focus more on the things that matter. When you focus on the things that are important, your life is better, your revenue is higher, and your business is more effective. Chaos forces focus. What can you do today to throw chaos into the mix? What goals can you create chaos around? Listen to this episode of the CarrotCast. Regain your focus and start creating momentum in your life and business by breaking the machine and causing a bit of chaos in life. ***Join us live, Thursdays at 11 AM Pacific for the Evergreen Marketing