Carrotcast - Amplify Your Life, Income, And Real Estate Game With Trevor Mauch

EP 77: Closing 25% of His Leads: How Max Maxwell Leverages Online Marketing and Inspirational Storytelling to Close 1 in 4 Leads



One of our Carrot core values is “Be a Beacon of Positivity and Possibility”. I like to align with people who are beacons for other and Max Maxwell is one of them. My view of entrepreneurship is broken down into three levels: The Dreamer. Someone is hustling to make it happen but isn’t there yet. The Doer. Is settled and established. The Inspirer. This person is set on being an inspiration for others to do better and achieve more. On this episode of the CarrotCast Max shares some of the cool things he’s doing everyday on Instgram and YouTube to inspire 1000’s of people. We also dive into these three big takeaways: Max’s story and exactly what he did to land his first two deals. Using a stacking method to target hot leads. What his online marketing with Carrot looks like and how he closes 1 in 4 leads from PPC. Listen to other CarrotCast episodes at and be sure to give us a rating and subscribe on iTunes. ***Join us live, Thursdays at 11 AM Pacific for the Evergreen Marketing Live Q&A: h