Pink Shade With Erin Martin

803 - Inmate to Roommate (s2e3) "The Finesse King" with Keisha



Watch this episode on YouTube: Payne and Keisha (The Libra Lounge wtih Keisha) just LOVE to talk about now we are chatting Inmate to Roommate, a Matt Sharp show that appears on Thursday nights on A&E.  On this episode of Inmate to Roommate (s2e3) "The Finesse King", we are OBSESSED with Vada and Analisa and want a spin off home improvement show ASAP.  Also, Mark is a jerk.  Cyndi picks up Jennifer and immediately starts listing off her duties at home (clean up the hoarder house) and tells her she will need help paying her bills.  Marisol and Jim are wannabe cult leaders and Mickey doesn't get out of prison.  Aaron shows his mean side and also sings Jesus songs in the morning and David is beginning to worry.  And, Daniel returns home without Deven and Cathy is annoyed.  But, Deven is living his best life in CO for one more day and may or may not have a hickey on his neck.  Next week - a new inmate/roommate that looks frightening.  Support our sponsors:Tropical