Smb Community Podcast By Karl W. Palachuk

VCISO Training and the Coolest Niche in SMB IT



Host Karl attended the ChannelPro Live event in Columbus, Ohio. He interviewed two folks who are doing some cool things.  Wayne Small from Australia is retooling himself and his business to take a new approach to the Virtual CISO Role. Rather than just take a few vendor-focus courses, or training based on a standardized checklist, Wayne is working through a master's degree program in security that focuses on security at the highest and most technical level. We discuss the details. Mark Moreno has a very interesting (and rare) niche. He focuses on companies who are solidly in the 25-100 desktop range but have massive revenue and enterprise-level budgets. This niche brings some unusual problems dues to the larger nature of the projects. But money is not one of the issues! Mark talks about how he got started. Interestingly, he still only does work with people who signed managed service agreements with these folks. Mark is also working with Harry Brelsford on the MSP Rescue shows. Stay tuned to https://msprescue.