Hyde Park United Methodist

Hard to Believe, Part 3 // The Rev. Magrey deVega // June 9, 2024



The early church theologian Anselm defined God as “a being than which nothing greater can be conceived.” This central premise led to the classic “omni” qualities of God: Omnipresence (God is everywhere), omnipotence (God is all powerful), and omnipresent (God is all knowing). These qualities have occasionally been problematic for us due to the presence of suffering and evil in the world. By reframing these qualities and incorporating God’s “omnibenevolence” (God’s all-lovingness), we can discover who God is in a deeper, more uplifting way.  HydeParkUMC.org/NextStepsReflection Questions:1. Who are people who have embodied a quality of God for you? 2. Which attribute of God do you have the hardest time understanding or accepting? 3. When have you experienced the omnibenevolence of God?