Why Struggle? Podcast W Barbara J. Faison

Week 24 - Feeling Joy!



all the links: LINKTR.EE/BARBARAFAISON 2024 - Week 24 - Feeling Joy! CHECK OUT THE NATIONAL MEDITATION PLAYLIST ON YOUTUBE 2024 - Week 24 - Be Joyful This is a podcast about FEELING JOY!  Joy - a few definitions include: a source or cause of delight and a feeling of great pleasure and happiness. When was the last time you experienced joy? I recently thought about what brings me joy now at this age and stage in my life. Sometimes it is as simple as sitting in a park near a lake. Or going to my monthly crochet group learning a new stitch. Enjoying a belly laugh with a dear friend while having a regular conversation on the phone. Sometimes joy is going out dancing with my salsa dancing crew, I always have a great time with them!  On Saturday evening I went to a surprise birthday party for Anana Harris Parris. I met Anana over 25 years ago while out salsa dancing. An author and the founder of the Self Care Agency and Sister Care Alliance organizations, her focus is self-care as a form of social justice and soci