Columbus Baptist Church's Podcast

43 Acts 13:1-12 Two Missionaries, A Proconsul, And A Sorcerer



Title: Two Missionaries, A Proconsul, and A Sorcerer Text: Acts 13:1-12 FCF: We often struggle obeying the Lord’s often daunting command to make disciples. Prop: Because our God is Lord of all and puts down all opposition, we must obey the Lord’s command to make disciples. Scripture Intro: [Slide 1] Turn in your bible to Acts chapter 13. In a moment we’ll read from the Legacy Standard Bible starting in verse 1. You can follow along in whatever version you prefer. Because this chapter lacks Lukes typical transition to a new narrative, we see this inherently connected to the previous one. The previous narrative focused on the troubles the church faced as the gospel goes to Gentiles in primarily gentile cities in the middle east. Today we’ll see more troubles, but the setting changes. Now the gospel goes west. And because it is another episode in the same narrative, we will see similar themes running through this sermon as we have in the previous two. However, the application diverges. What wil