Ring Of Fire Radio With Sam Seder, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. And Mike Papantonio

Episode 746: Trump's Not So Eloquent Holiday Message; Huckabee Ignores Arkansas Emergency Watches NASCAR



This week on Ring of Fire! It wouldn't be a holiday in the United States without Donald Trump posting something horribly offensive and inappropriate on social media, and Memorial Day this year was no exception. Trump posted a message wishing a Happy Memorial Day to all, including the "human scum" that have been successful in holding him accountable in court. Arkansas governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders caught flak over the weekend for ignoring her constituents while tornadoes ravaged the state and killed at least 8 people. Instead of being their for her state during an emergency, Sanders had flown to North Carolina to catch a NASCAR event. This is what Republican "leadership" looks like - just like when Ted Cruz abandoned Texas during snowstorms to go to Cancun. Donald Trump's campaign claimed that about 25,000 people showed up to his rally in The Bronx last week, but that claim was swiftly debunked by aerial photographs that showed a crowd much smaller than that. Trump has been lying consiste