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From Physical Therapist to Top MILF Porn Star: Cherie DeVille, aka "The Internet's Stepmom," Reflects on 13 Years in the Porn Industry



For the 159th episode of Private Parts Unknown, host Courtney Kocak welcomes top MILF porn star Cherie DeVille, aka "The Internet's Stepmom." In this interview, we talk about Cherie's journey from physical therapist to porn star, the unsexy realities of a porn set, how the industry and social stigma have changed over the 13 years since she first started in porn, why she doesn’t go to swingers' parties anymore, sex with "civilians," the Pornhub documentary she participated in, her thoughts on Pornhub in general, how work impacts her personal sex life, and more. For more from today's guest, Cherie DeVille: Follow Cherie on Instagram @cheriedevillexo Follow Cherie on Twitter @CherieDeVille Check out Cherie's website Psst, Courtney has an 0nIyFan$, which is a horny way to support the show: Courtney is also teaching the writing and publishing intensive of your dreams this July. It's called Midsummer Pitch Party, and it will definitely take your writing pract