Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Lori La Bey

A Passion for Distraction



A Passion for Distraction #FindingBeautyInIllness #SupportingFamilyCaregivers #HonestDiscussion Lori La Bey talks with Allene Symons who is the author of Love in a Time of Caterpillars: A Memoir of Monarchs and Caregiving. She has worked as a journalist, editor, and college instructor and is the author of three previous books. She has lived in San Francisco and New York and currently makes her home in Long Beach, California. Learn: Tips for caring for a spouse or partner with dementia. Ideas to distract or redirect a person living with dementia. Is it ok to distract yourself as a care partner on the dementia journey? What happens when the caregiver gets sick themselves? Can you plan ahead of time for workarounds to avoid getting sick yourself as a care partner? A Nat or a FireFly – What Do You See To focus on something to do and something to look forward to. Loving Lies – How They Work and Why They Are Important When and how to hire help to care for your loved one. How to protect a loved one’s independence a