Spawned With Kristen And Liz Of Coolmompicks

EP 12: Should every kid get a trophy?



This week, we answer a listener's question about how not to screw up your kids. We may or may not have given her the advice she was hoping for but hey, it's the truth! We also talk about NFL player James Harrison's controversial move to make his son give back a participation trophy he didn't think was "earned." Should he have done it? Should there even be participation trophies? And guess which trophy Liz really wants for her mantle? Plus be sure to stick around for our cool picks of the week. If you have a question for Kristen and Liz, or just want to say hi (and we can say hi back!), find us on Twitter at @coolmompicks using #SpawnedShow, on Facebook at, or email us at Also visit for show notes and links to the things you heard about here today. And don’t forget to subscribe to our feed so you don’t miss an episode. Thanks for joining us!  This episode of Spawned is brought to you by Amulet Books. Frank Einstein and the BrainTurbo is the t