Spawned With Kristen And Liz Of Coolmompicks

Ep 66: Talking kids and money, with NYT bestselling author Beth Kobliner



It can be tough to know where and when to start when it comes to kids and money. And don't even get started about the allowance question. How much? And for what? Well, we've got ALL the answers thanks to our special guest Beth Kobliner, who's a financial expert, and NYT bestselling author. We're chatting about her new book "Make Your Kid a Money Genius" and tackling our questions and yours, too. Plus, she tells us what we're doing right and wrong with our own kids. You won't want to miss this! You can find all the links from this episode on our Cool Mom Picks podcast page. And feel free to reach out to us on Twitter #SpawnedShow, Facebook, and email:  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit