Spawned With Kristen And Liz Of Coolmompicks

Smart tips and tricks for tackling digital clutter with Joshua Zerkel of Evernote | Ep 77



If you're like us, you've got emails piled up in your inbox, photos eating up memory on your phone, and don't even get us started with all the documents cluttering up your computer. But that's all about to change thanks to professional organization expert and Director of Global Community and Training at Evernote, Joshua Zerkel. He's got pretty amazing tips and tricks that can really help you get a handle on all your digital clutter and help you actually find the stuff you're looking for when you need it. Plus, we've got a few pretty fun Cool Picks of the Week, too. You can find all the links mentioned on our show over on our Cool Mom Picks podcast page. Plus, let us know what you thought of the show on Twitter #SpawnedShow, Facebook, and email: We love hearing from you.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit