The Thought Leader Revolution Podcast | 10x Your Impact, Your Income & Your Influence

EP575: TL Nuggets 162 Marc von Musser - 3 Hours vs 15 Minutes - Buyers Are Being More Cautious



“Right now, building a business is like running in a marathon... So the first you have to decide is are you willing to win? And if you’re committed to win, are you willing to pay the price that success demands today..? The strong are going to survive.”Are you worried about what the future holds—your job, paying rent, driving a car, even affording groceries and energy bills? things have changed dramatically since the pre-COVID days. Back then, buyers were more confident, and a quick pitch could seal the deal. But now, in a post-COVID world riddled with economic uncertainty and skepticism, buyers are far more cautious and demanding. Remember when the recession hit right after COVID? It compounded the uncertainty and made people even more skeptical. Many have been scammed, making them savvier and more discerning. They need to know they can trust you before they make a purchase.Today's buyers are spending more time researching and evaluating their options. Ever find yourself scrolling through countless product re