Noah Kagan Presents

The Silicon Valley of India’s RICHEST Student (Suumit Shah of Dukaan)



In today’s episode, I talk to Suumit Shah of Dukaan.  Suumit is a software engineer from Bangalore, India—AKA the Silicon Valley of India!! When the pandemic started and people everywhere were looking for ways to sell online, Suumit noticed a BIG problem. There were tons of websites to help people start online stores but NONE of them were smartphone friendly. So he created Dukaan in 48-hours. (Y’all know I’m a BIG fan of building a business in a weekend!!) Then he listed it on AppSumo to get customers and make $130k. Dang. Good work Suumit!! You can actually shop Dukaan on AppSumo RIGHT NOW. It’s just $69, there’s no subscription fees, and you can set up a store right from your phone. Go to If you’ve ever wanted to learn about what the Silicon Valley of India is like, you’ll love this episode. In this conversation, you’ll enjoy 3 BIG things: - What people DON’T know about India’s entrepreneurship scene - Suumit’s biggest life lesson for people to succeed and stand out like he