The Disciplined Investor

TDI Podcast: Hedge Fund Strategies (#869)



Good noews! CPI - not so hot. Bitcoin and Gold blasting off Meme Stocks – fly then die Thomas Thornton, Hedge Fund Telemetry Thomas Thornton is a former portfolio manager, senior trader, and technical analyst with Level Global Investors and Galileo Capital. Tom has written a daily market note for a select group of hedge fund managers for years and now has offered it for all investors with Hedge Fund Telemetry. His long term focus on sentiment indicators borders on the obsessive. Our growing team at Hedge Fund Telemetry is comprised of current and former buy and sell side individuals. Hedge Fund Telemetry was first conceived with inspiration from Tom’s lifelong passion following Formula 1 racing. In the early 90’s, Formula 1 teams started to equip cars with sensors on every imaginable component and data was relayed wirelessly through telemetry to the pits to analyze and then instructions from the pits were relayed back to the driver so he could make changes to find the optimal balance for the car. It ha