Columbus Baptist Church's Podcast

40 Acts 12:1-5 You Will Be Hated



Title: You Will Be Hated Text: Acts 12:1-5 FCF: We often struggle enduring persecution. Prop: Because the world will hate followers of Christ, we must endure suffering while seeking the Lord for relief. Scripture Intro: [Slide 1] Turn in your bible to Acts chapter 12. In a moment we will read the text from the Legacy Standard bible. You can follow along in the pew bible starting on page 1244 or in whatever version you prefer. Today continues the previous episode. While the church in Antioch experiences trouble in the form of spiritual immaturity, rejection and temptations toward selfishness, the church in Jerusalem faces a much greater form of trouble. Persecution. And although they have dealt with persecution before, it has never been to this degree nor has it been so widely accepted. But, as the gospel continues to expand to more cultures, lands, and peoples – should we really be shocked that the church is experiencing growing and intensifying hatred? No, we shouldn’t. In fact, we should tru