Speak Up With Laura Camacho

4 Underrated Steps to Make a Stellar First Impression Even When You're Having a Terrible Day



Ever been in an important conversation where you felt like you were bombing from the start, leaving a weak first impression that you just couldn't recover from?Welcome to Speak Up, the podcast for high-performing introverts, including you social introverts, where we reveal the charisma & communication secrets of A-Listers so you get the recognition and opportunities you deserve. I’m your host Laura Camacho, your magical communication godmother, coach, and strategist.Take note that we now release episodes every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.As a highly-conscientious leader, you understand the importance of making a stellar first impression, especially amidst challenging circumstances like a bad day at work or personal stress. Mastering this skill is not just about social grace; it directly impacts your professional success (or lack thereof) and how others perceive your leadership abilities.Today Laura shares 4 underrated steps to make a stellar impression, even if you’re having a terrible day. Here are just