The Free Zone W/ Freeman Fly

The Nurturer Pendulum – Beth Martens



You’re a helping spirit that gives your all to serve others. You love to contribute and give your support, but despite that you crash under the weight of it, and go from helping everyone, to helping no one. And then you heal, go into amnesia, start helping everyone again, and head for a new (same old) crash. It’s a vicious cycle. But you don’t have to stay stuck in it!! If you’d like to learn about how to break this archetypal pattern of the Nurturer you can sign up for free at this link: Getting Off the Nurturer's Pendulum Swing In it you’ll see how it's designed to take you from not knowing why you give, give, and give some more, to your own detriment, to knowing exactly why you give, to great satisfaction and with great conviction that keeps you always working towards greater sacred purpose. The Find Your Sacred Purpose online course is included as a free bonus to The Nurturer Cure live course. You're gonna love realizing how parallel issues in your life (things that seem like different problems in d