The Thought Leader Revolution Podcast | 10x Your Impact, Your Income & Your Influence

EP573: TL Nuggets 161 Kevin Sorbo - How To Have The Courage Of Your Convictions



“People need to wake up and stop being afraid.”Have you ever been cancelled within your community? a phenomenon increasingly prevalent in today’s society. Facing cancel culture doesn’t mean the end of a career or the silencing of a voice. Instead, it can be a catalyst for growth, creativity, and the establishment of new platforms that champion freedom of thought and expression.Kevin Sorbo, known for his iconic roles in movies like "God's Not Dead," "Let There Be Light," and of course, who could forget his portrayal of Hercules? Kevin takes us on a journey through his fascinating life story, from growing up in Minnesota to finding faith at a Billy Graham event at just 13 years old. He shares how his youth pastor played a pivotal role in shaping his understanding of Christianity, and how his journey eventually led him to pursue acting.You need to have a sense of resilience and unwavering faith. Stay true to our beliefs and continue to fight for what’s right, despite the obstacles because with determination