Firm Foundation With Bryan Hudson

Light in the Northern Lights – Firm Foundation Inspiration Minute #118 for May 15, 2024



Listen to Mother's Day Message by Patricia Hudson, May 12, 2024 "To Mom, With Love."   View 4K Aurora Video Visit Photo Gallery    Psalm 19:1, The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows his handiwork. Day and today utters speech, and night under night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard.   This spring has featured wonders in nature. On April 8, there was a total solar eclipse by the moon, visible for 100-mile-wide band from Texas to Maine. On the evening of May 10th, going into the early morning of May 11th, was the Aurora Borealis, also called the Northern Lights. Unlike the solar eclipse, the Northern Lights could be seen by a large part of the northern hemisphere of planet Earth. What was unusual about the solar storm that created the aurora was that it was visible as far south as Mississippi and Florida. Usually, northern lights are confined to northern Canada and the Arctic Circle. As with the solar eclipse, we don't want to misread or spi