One Bourbon, One Chard, Or One Beer Podcast

Lil' Tweener No. 71



This week, Stub gives a quick review of new music from Gabrielle and Wade Bowen, chats a bit about his quick trip to Cork, Ireland to visit the Midleton Distillery and do some film work for his mate The London Barkeep, and provides some tasting notes on a new Red Breast Irish Whiskey offering. If you find yourself liking, singing along to, or playing along with One Bourbon, One Chard, or One Beer, please Please PLEASE rate and review us on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Soundcloud, or wherever you found our podcast. It helps other lushes like you find our podcast and to build our community. If you rate and review us and we ever meet you, we'll buy you one bourbon, one chard, or one beer (our choice). Cheers, mates!