Smb Community Podcast By Karl W. Palachuk

Endpoint Detection and Response for the MacOS with Huntress



Host Karl Palachuk interviews Wes Hutcherson and Stuart Ashenbrenner from Huntress on the challenges and (and victories) of securing macOS endpoints.  As you know, MacOS represents a growing percentage of the business device operating system market, outperforming both Linux and ChromeOS. Since this is going to be a growing portion of the endpoints you support, it's good to know how you're doing to do that. And with so many "home" and personal devices now being used for company purposes, quick response is important as well. The panel addresses the challenges of the MacOS users - including their persistent reluctance to believe that their devices need protection at all! There is a false sense of security around MacOS, driven by old-school understandings of Mac security and the realities of well-funded adversaries on the dark web. MacOS malware now accounts for 6.2% of all endpoint OS malware. Half of all MacOS users have been affected by malware, hacking, or scams. You can expect that to grow as well. ----- Tha