The James Altucher Show

The Age of Prediction | Igor Tulchinsky and Chris Mason



 The Age of Prediction is such a fascinating book! After reading it, I really do think the job people should be preparing for is “data analyst” or “predictor”, because that's going to be used in every single industry, more than prompt engineers or AI coders - because AI is going to write its own code. Being able to understand what data to look at and why and how to make use of it, whether it's the medical industry or sports or stocks or insurance or art, this is going to be such a valuable skill to have, and it's a just beginning field. The creativity there is going to be amazing.The Age of Prediction: Algorithms, AI, and the Shifting Shadows of Risk by Christopher Mason and Igor Tulchinsky is like a guidebook to what's happened, what's going to be happening, and all the different ways people use will prediction technology.Igor has a $7 billion hedge fund, which analyzes millions of pieces of data around the world to predict stocks, whether something will happen tomorrow, or an hour from now, or 10 seconds fr