Chats With Susan Burrell

Finding Beauty in Times of Crisis



Ep#277 - Finding Beauty in Times of Crisis, An Interview with artist and practitioner of psychology, Dr. Laura Basha   I am thrilled to welcome artist, and practitioner of psychology, Dr. Laura Basha to Empowering Chats. This is Laura’s second visit to my podcast. We had such a lovely connection the first time around that I just had to have her back. In this transcendent and inspirational conversation, we talked about Beauty. Beauty in the time of global crisis. We are in a transition point in human consciousness. Laura believes, and I agree with her that the awakening of our collective humanity is all about being present to all of what is occurring. It is about seeing the good, the bad and the ugly. And doing this without judgment. And Laura believes it is doable. This is where the real work begins. The creative process became the gateway for Laura to become more peaceful and to experience freedom from the fearful thoughts and conditions she was living. Laura’s childhood was challenging so she turned to art