Being Well With Lauren

Episode 52 Being well with Lauren



  Episode 52 Pride, Self & the infinite power of our words   We give our words power we enunciate our words and we give our words power.   I answer this letter from a listener...( Thank you) “How important is it really to have pride and when is it too much?  Is pride a good or bad thing?  I’ve gotten to the point recently where I’ve refused to accept help from people when I really need it because I’m so used to doing things on my own and I blame my pride for that. Then on the other hand, I’ve been dealing with some issues with my coworkers, particularly men, where I have been disrespected, yet I go about my daily life as if nothing has happened instead of addressing the issue head on.  Your last video touched upon the topic of how people are treating me, and my way of thinking is that the way they disrespect me is their karma, and I shouldn’t respond negatively.  How can I find a balance?”   My name is Lauren Ostrowski Fenton. I am a writer, life coach, meditation teacher, & proud mum of four. I make