Spacetime With Stuart Gary

S27E60: Unveiling Cosmic Ancestry: The Quest for Population III Stars



Journey through the cosmic tapestry with SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 60, where we unearth the echoes of creation by discovering one of the most ancient stars ever seen in another galaxy. This remarkable find could lead us to the elusive first generation of stars that illuminated the universe from darkness to the dawn of clarity. These celestial ancestors, born from the pure elements of the Big Bang, were behemoths that lived fast and died young, leaving behind the building blocks of everything we know.The episode then shifts focus to the Hubble Space Telescope's latest challenge, as it enters safe mode due to a gyroscope glitch. Despite the setback, the iconic observatory's legacy of over three decades of celestial observations remains unshaken as NASA seeks a solution.Next, we launch into the story of Snoopy, a CubeSat deployed from the International Space Station. This six-unit CubeSat embarks on a mission to measure soil moisture and improve agricultural yields by harnessing signals from commercial satelli