Scalf Life

Episode 277: Tina Porter - Navigating Life, Business, and Laughter Through Candid Conversations



Join me and my good friend Tina, as we take a deep dive into the life of an entrepreneur, the risks of energy drinks, and our shared experiences of quitting alcohol. We'll take you on a journey through the highs and lows of our personal lives, sharing our unique perspectives and insights. Get ready for some laughter, reflection, and numerous thought-provoking discussions.We take a spin down memory lane, reminiscing about our childhood and the lessons that shaped us into who we are today. We also touch upon the importance of parenting, teaching kids the basics of life, and the significance of managing finances wisely. As we discuss these serious topics, we lighten the atmosphere with some funny anecdotes about Tina's pets and the Granny P project.Moving on, we pivot our discussion towards Tina's airsoft adventures and the exciting events she has participated in. We share some heartwarming moments from our family beach trips, the pranks we've played, and the immense knowledge that the younge