Hyde Park United Methodist

Life's Highs & Lows, Part 5 // The Rev. Sally Campbell-Evans // May 5, 2024



Rivers and streams in the Bible symbolize places of refreshment and nourishment. Elijah was fed by a brook. Jesus was baptized in the river. The Israelites found hope when God parted the Jordan for them so they could enter the Promised Land. Psalm 1 describes the law of God, which enables a person to be planted like a tree in water. We all need times of encouragement that can come from meeting God at the river.HydeParkUMC.org/NextStepsReflection Questions:1. Among the 1000s of decisions you make everyday, can you think of a time where you felt really close to God, certain that you were on the right path with God, and felt deeply connected to the Holy. What was that like? 2. In what ways are you choosing to delight in the God’s instructions? 3. How might God be inviting you to change your thinking, your meditating, and/or the path you’re walking on, so as to bring renewal and refreshment to your life?