Calvary Chapel Lubbock

The Mogog war - Audio



Continuing with our new series called 'The Ezekiel Overview' (A Study of the Book of Ezekiel), during tonight's teaching, Pastor Ben will inform us on prophecy about the rapture that is being reveled in scripture and specifically on what the demonic Magog. How does this affect us? Why is this important? What type of rapture do you side with? well let's dive in and learn about these questions. * Here are the four types of rapture that believers ponder on 1. no rapture 2. pretribulation rapture 3. mid tribribulation rapture 4. post tribribulation rapture If you are interested in attending our live teachings (Wednesdays @ 7:00 pm & Sundays @ 10:00 am), you are invited to visit us at 4218 Boston Ave. Lubbock, Texas. To connect with us, you can call us at (806) 799-2227, email us at, or checkout our website at You can also watch us on Facebook and contact us through Facebook Messenger. Please feel free to let us know about your walk wit