

Shaquille O'Neal (@SHAQ) has been retired from basketball for almost six years, but he's still got his irons in plenty of fires. Here, we'll discuss everything from superheroes to law enforcement to business to sports to podcasting to -- yes -- the Flat Earth Theory. "It's never gotten out of control because even to this day I don't consider myself a celebrity." -Shaquille O'Neal The Cheat Sheet: What real-world experience Shaq is getting to prepare for a political race in 2020. How Shaq assembled what he calls The Panel to help manage not only his career but all his important life decisions -- and how you can do the same. Why Shaq doesn't consider himself a celebrity (and why that still isn't a good reason to bug him in the middle of dinner). How Shaq manages his emotions so he stays non-reactive on and off the court. Does Shaq really believe in the Flat Earth Theory? And so much more... Want to reach the fabled inbox zero? SaneBox learns what email is important to you and filters out what isn't. Visit san
