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This Week in Global Dev: #46: A new Africa Club, Europe's development agenda, and USAID's struggles



This week we discuss the establishment of the Africa Club by the African Union, an initiative that the continent’s leaders hope will drive reform of the global financial architecture. With African states currently spending more on debt repayments than they are on health care or climate action, the goal is for the alliance to leverage more funding for global development efforts. On the topic of Africa, we also reported on a gathering of African leaders who outlined their funding priorities for the International Development Association, the World Bank's fund for the lowest-income countries. From building climate resilience to greater energy and digital access, we examine why IDA is such an important tool for countries in the global south. We also break down leaked documents from the European Commission that outline its development vision for the next five years. To almost nobody’s surprise, it appears as though the EU is planning to pursue a foreign aid agenda based on its own economic interests rather than