Transformative Principal

Stoicism in School Leadership with Danny Bauer & Glenn Robbins Transformative Principal 597



In this episode, Jethro is joined by Danny Bauer and Glenn Robbins, author of the book Calm In The Chaos: Ancient Stoic Wisdom for Successful School Leadership. We talk about how to be stoic as a leader in schools and apply that wisdom to your daily. Plus, you won’t believe the sign we saw in a school!How to get people on the same page when you’re not physically on an island. Community had come together before when they’ve been through something together. Starting from negative emotions doesn’t help you find success. When you come from a place of gratitude, it’s great. This is my roadmap for connecting with people. You’re still a human being, but you still have to rise up and be your best. Your pride sometimes takes away your willingness to share what you’re going through. We often don’t have models showing us how we do things different. Key piece is mentoring, models, and psychologically safe spaces where you can admit that you’re struggling. Expect people to be wrong, evil, tortuous, dishonest.Vulnerability