Malcolm Cox

S2 Ep2189: Teaching Tip 360 | “Plain Speaking - Speak With Life” | Malcolm Cox



Teaching Tip 360 | “Plain Speaking - Speak With Life” | Malcolm Cox  Introduction Here is your 2-minute tip based on the book, “Plain speaking: How to preach and teach effectively" by David Bercot.  What does it mean to ‘speak with life’? Well, does your lesson have ‘life’ in it? Does it contain a spark? If so, it will fly from your mouth to your listener’s heart and set it aflame. What does life look like in a speaker? Enthusiasm.  Bercot shares three healthy expressions of enthusiasm in a preacher. Gestures. Our bodies naturally move when we are excited about something and talking about it with a friend. As such, we should not really concern ourselves too deliberately as to our gestures. A lack of movement is likely a sign that we lack enthusiasm for our subject. No artificial use of gestures will fix that. However, pay attention to distracting movement (watching yourself on camera will reveal any problems in that area), and consider any points in your lesson that would be helpfully highlighted