Smb Community Podcast By Karl W. Palachuk

Charging for Onsite Travel?



1.) The MSP Question of The Week  Should you charge for onsite travel?  And what's best--Price per seat or per device?   --- 2.) Notes on The News  The FBI is warning consumers against using public phone charging stations in order to avoid exposing their devices to malicious software... ...Apple loses top phonemaker spot to Samsung as iPhone shipments drop! "Apple's smartphone shipments dropped about 10% in the first quarter of 2024, hurt by intensifying competition by Android smartphone makers aiming for the top spot, data from research firm IDC showed on Sunday." --- Our upcoming events and more: Register for James’s class at ITSPU! 5W22 – MSP Professional Sales starts April 23rd. Sign up now: MASTERMIND LIVE – Tampa, FL – April 27-28th Use “EARLYBIRD” as the coupon code to save $200! Catch James at the SMBTechfest! SMBTechfest – Irvince, CA – May 9-10th Check out A