Around The House With Eric G

Exterior project tips and we chat with Monument Grills



We have a double header in todays episode. We start out talking about my tips to making your exterior projects hold up longer. You took all the time to build something but you really want it to last. Here are my tips to having it hold up for years to come.Then we sit down with Bill Godwin from Monument Grills. There are a ton of cool features on these new bbq grills in 2024 and we sit down and talk about one of the hottest ones that are not built into your outdoor kitchen. For more information head to To get your questions answered by Eric G give us a call in the studio at 833-239-4144 24/7 and Eric G will get back to you and answer your question and you might end up in a future episode of Around the House. Thanks for listening to Around the house if you want to hear more please subscribe so you get notified of the latest episode as it posts at you want to join the Around the House Insider for access to the back catalog, Exclusi