Make Me Smart With Kai And Molly

College campus protests and the value of a degree



Protests over Israel’s war in Gaza have erupted at universities across the United States. We’ll discuss what the sweeping protests and other high-profile political battles at colleges could mean for the economics of higher education. And, what the Federal Reserve might look like under a second Donald Trump presidency. Plus, we’ll play a round of Half Full / Half Empty! Here’s everything we talked about today: “Protests Threaten College Graduations, Denying Seniors Second Chance at Normalcy” from The New York Times “What students say about the protests rocking their campuses” from The Washington Post “Americans are falling out of love with the idea of college” from Noahpinion “Americans Are Losing Faith in College Education, WSJ-NORC Poll Finds” from The Wall Street Journal “Trump Allies Draw Up Plans to Blunt Fed’s Independence” from The Wall Street Journal “Job trend ̵