Better Everyday With Sarah And Dr. Brooke

Dr Brooke Show #394 Can You Choose Your Stress Response?



For more info on how I can help you, visit Recently, I had that experience we’re all looking for: the satisfaction of seeing that hard work we put in on ourselves show up in a very real way in my life. I have explained the 5 Different Stress Responses in an episode from spring 2023 and last week in spring of 2024 I saw my understanding of this really kick into action - and it was brilliant! I saw my traumatic stress response of fawning in full force play out before my eyes and because of knowing these various types of stress responses and what triggers them I was able to not go too far down that road, resolve the stress in my body and make a better choice with my stress response. A choice that left me more empowered, able to be more gentle on myself and move forward in a productive way - and you can learn this too! Understanding these various stress responses is key in making cha+nge to how stress impacts us and this goes far beyond traditional ideas of “stress management” - these are st