Student Of The Gun Radio

Fighting with a Rifle & Cambridge Cop’s Gun Just “Went Off” | SOTG 1238



What does it mean to “fight with a rifle”? How important is training when it comes to success or survival? During our SOTG Homeroom we will consider how training will open your eyes. We have a Tech Talk from EOTech and this week we will discuss the importance of maintenance in regards to rifle or pistol mounted optical sights. Also, regarding maintenance, during our Froglube pro tip of the week we consider the cause of “sticky” or “gummy” actions. Lastly, how many times have you heard that it's okay for cops to have guns because they are expertly trained? A 37 year veteran police officer had a negligent discharge in a school bathroom and then blamed the gun. Thanks for being a part of SOTG! We hope you find value in the message we share. If you’ve got any questions, here are some options to contact us: Send an Email Send a Text Call Us Enjoy the show! And remember… You’re a Beginner Once, a Student For Life! TOPICS COVERED THIS EPISODE Prof. Paul Birthday Sale! Books, Digital Training, and M