Sci-fi Talk

Sci-Fi Talk Weekly 93 : Superman Casting, Time Stalker, and Planet of the Apes Box Office Predictions



On Sci-Fi Talk Weekly, on episode 93, with AI co-host Bella, we dive into a stack of intriguing headlines: From the casting of Jonathan Kent in the new Superman film to the mysterious trailers for "Outer Range" Season 2 that tease a deeper exploration into the unknown. We'll touch on the box office breakout of "Civil War," discuss Nick Offerman's detached portrayal of a president in a world of pure fiction, and reveal why "Joker Folie À Deux" snagged a strong R-rating. We've got sneak peeks and reviews across our beloved genres, including "The Walking Dead: Book of Carol," and Walton Goggins' intense experience playing a ghoul in the "Fallout" series. Plus, we'll discuss "Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes" projected box office success, and a time-traveling dark comedy called "Time Stalker." In franchise news, "Star Trek" prepares for a new origin film, while farewells are in order for "Lower Decks" as it approaches its fifth and final season. James Gunn juggles "Peacemaker" shooting with Superman commitments,