Reality Bytes

Praise Kink & Breeding Kink + What's the Difference Between a Kink & a Fetish? with Gigi Engle



For the 118th episode of Private Parts Unknown, host Courtney Kocak welcomes Gigi Engle, sex educator, soon-to-be sex therapist, and author of All the F*cking Mistakes: A Guide to Sex, Love, and Life. Today we’re doing a listener-requested episode. I got requests to cover praise kink and breeding kink, and I've been hearing a lot about both of them lately, so I invited Gigi Engle on the show to give us the 411. Gigi’s got bylines at top publications, and she’s really good at breaking this stuff down and unpacking the nuances, so she’s the perfect person to be our guide as we explore these two kinks and what they suggest about our culture. Gigi also shares her journey to becoming a sexpert, and the difference between a kink and a fetish.  For more from today's guest, Gigi Engle: Check out the 3Fun app, for which Gigi is the lead intimacy expert Order Gigi's book All the F*cking Mistakes: A Guide to Sex, Love, and Life on Follow Gigi Engle on Instagram @gigiengle