Reality Bytes

From Multiamory: 50 Ways to Handle Jealousy



I'm excited to introduce you to one of my favorite podcasts on the Pleasure Podcasts Network, the Multiamory podcast. Multiamory explores the ins and outs of non-traditional relationships. Whether you're curious about polyamory, open relationships, or just want to approach your monogamous relationships more intentionally, the Multiamory Podcast has got you covered. I'm sharing a short clip from Multiamory episode 394: 50 Ways to Handle Jealousy. It's the beginning of a two-part discussion of 50 different personal tools and techniques for having a better relationship with jealousy. This clip covers just the first four tools, but I hope it interests you to check out the full episodes 394 and 395 of the Multiamory podcast. Psst, Courtney has an 0nIyFan$, which is a horny way to support the show: Private Parts Unknown is a proud member of the Pleasure Podcast network. This episode is brought to you by: Explore yourself and say yes to self-pleasure with Lovehoney. Save 15% off your