Reality Bytes

Pet Loss, Part 2: Working Through the Grief & Guilt of Losing a Beloved Pet with Beth Bigler of Honoring Our Animals



For the 152nd episode of Private Parts Unknown, host Courtney Kocak welcomes Beth Bigler, pet loss grief counselor and founder of Honoring Our Animals, for part two in a three-part series on pet loss. Have you ever lost a beloved pet? It’s the worst. Scientifically, it can be as hard to grieve a pet as a parent or a partner. I lost my beloved dog, Georgia, in early December, and it was so hard for me to process — that experience inspired this series. (If you missed part one with Cherie Doyen, listen here.) One of the things that really helped me shortly after Georgia passed away was discovering an Instagram account, @honoringouranimals. I got so much reassurance and validation just from following the account, so I knew I wanted to interview its creator, Beth Bigler, for this series on pet loss. And she did not disappoint. Beth is a double-certified pet loss grief counselor, certified end-of-life animal companion doula, and pet chaplain. She works with individuals and families before, during, and after the los