Reality Bytes

How Gabrielle Stone Got Her Groove Back After TWO Devastating Breakups



For the 155th episode of Private Parts Unknown, host Courtney Kocak welcomes Gabrielle Stone, author of Eat, Pray, #FML and host of FML Talk. If you've recently been dumped or are struggling to get over a past relationship, this episode is for you! This is the ultimate breakup recovery guide to help you not just survive but thrive after your breakup. No matter how desperate you feel or how embarrassing things have gotten with your ex, you CAN heal your heartbreak, and we'll tell you how. Gabrielle shares her incredible story with not one but two happy endings. We also discussed whether you should implement the no-contact rule, toxic relationships, love-bombing, the benefits of journaling through the pain, "the thought onion," why the length of your relationship doesn't always correspond to the level of post-breakup grief, and more. For more from today's guest, Gabrielle Stone: Check out Gabrielle's website Follow Gabrielle on Instagram @gabriellestone Buy Gabrielle's books Eat, Pray, #FML