Better Everyday With Sarah And Dr. Brooke

Dr Brooke Show #392 What Causes Perimenopause + Menopause Weight Gain



For more info on how I can help you, visit my site You may have heard lately that it’s not a “lower metabolism” that causes weight gain and more body fat around the middle during midlife. While this may be what research is showing us as not a mechanism, many of us have found our pants are indeed not fitting so great so what IS causing the weight gain? Is it hormone changes or slack habits? Is it something we need to take HRT to get on top of? What exactly will the popular fitness advice of eating enough protein and lifting weights really do for our mid-life bodies? I cover exactly what the shifts in hormones do to your motivation, mood and metabolism in this episode as well as the one thing NO ONE is talking about…and it’s not really solved by taking hormones or strength training.    Tune in and please share this with a woman who needs this info!    Be sure you’re subscribed to The Dr. Brooke Show on your favorite podcast player so you never miss a new episode.    To work with Dr Brooke