Commonwealth Club Of California Podcast

The Art of Disability Culture



Despite the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and small signs of progress here and there, artists with disabilities still face discrimination and prejudice in the arts arena. Disability culture is still marginalized, and access features are not always offered as standard practice in exhibitions. Join us as we tease out some of these issues and why they matter, with an accessible introduction to disability culture and a dynamic conversation between photographers Nolan Trowe and Anthony Tusler. We’ll consider how representation and visibility is integral to their work, and how their work also advocates for a more radically inclusive and accessible arts and culture landscape. MLF ORGANIZER Robert Melton NOTES MLF: Arts SPEAKERS Nolan Ryan Trowe Photographer; Writer, Focuses on Stories Around Disability Anthony Tusler Writer; Photographer; Consultant; Trainer; Advocate on Disability Issues Fran Osborne Museum Consultant; Specialist in Accessible Exhibitions; Independent Curator and Lecturer, Museum Studies