

There are three things I want you to know… KNOW THYSELF: You are here to know who you are, you are a divinely powerful spiritual being here to give your heart to the world in the highest unique divine expression. This includes doing your inner work to reveal your true self. You are pure potential! HAVE A VISION: You are here to dream the greatest dream for your life. You need a vision to live into. Universal Law only responds with a YES, but if you don’t give it an intention, you will find yourself lost. There is one contingency to your dream, it must serve the highest good. You must create harmony and serve the world! ALIGN WITH UNIVERSAL LAW: You are going to have to release all attachment of the earthly world. You will need to no longer hand your power over to anything or anyone in the world. Yes, this will be your greatest test. You will have shiny objects that you want to define you, status, and class, but you are not any of these things. You will have to only revere the Source within. The only way to h