The Thought Leader Revolution Podcast | 10x Your Impact, Your Income & Your Influence

EP560: Debra Basch - From Victim To Victor



“If I didn’t have that mental image of myself… ‘You’re strong, look what you overcame.’ That mindset… I just understand what a journey takes. And sometimes it takes doing really hard things to get what you want.”Resolving extreme trauma. It's a heavy topic, I know, but believe me when I say that with the right attitude, it's possible to overcome even the most challenging experiences. In business, trust is paramount. Whether it's with clients, partners, or colleagues, trust forms the foundation of strong relationships. Without it, everything else falls apart. One nugget of wisdom to share is the power of emulation. You know, approaching leaders and saying, "I want to be just like you. So I’m going to do everything that you do so I can glean the good stuff." It's all about learning from those who inspire us and adopting their positive qualities and habits.It's not just about lifting weights or running miles; when you strengthen yourself physically, you automatically strengthen yourself mentally, emotionally, an